Kevin EI

Account Manager | B.Bus (Econ and Fin)

Kevin is an Account Manager at Empire.  His role encompasses supporting the delivery of ongoing service to our clients, the formal review process, and responding to queries and actions required across their investment, superannuation, insurance and strategic financial matters.

Efficient and Productive

Kevin commenced his financial services journey in late 2014, working in a boutique financial planning firm.

From there he moved to working in the financial planning team at Westpac Private, where he became team 2IC, responsible for task delegation and team management, administration of client portfolio requirements, and ensuring compliance and audit requirements were met.

He had a special focus on Self Managed Superannuation Fund matters, and was recognised with a number 1 ranking for productivity nationally in his role.

After completing some additional studies, Kevin joined Empire where his knowledge, experience, productivity and enthusiasm are applied to deliver superior outcomes to our clients and business network.


Kevin holds a Bachelor of Business, with a double major in Economics and Finance, from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology.

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